
Saturday, 11 November 2017

Belle Fairy Tale Dress

Three more colours down:

I'm so glad that I counted right for the distance to the light swirly under-skirt section. I believe the bodice section is done now but for beads (and a short bit of back stitch).

That darker gold colour under the poufs makes that bright yellow not look so out of place. Still a little odd, but I can see now that it's probably going to turn out okay in the end.

There are only two more DMC colours left on the dress (white and yet another yellow-gold), then the last four colours are on the rose, and that should work up pretty quickly. I really should have gotten started on the next colour today, but I spent a bunch of time playing WoW (read the Blizzcon news, and got excited enough to play around on some trial sub-20 toons).

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