
Sunday 31 March 2019

Beacon at Rocky Point

59 needles on this one! That's actually a lot more than I thought before I went and counted them.

The backstitching is really important on this one, especially on the house. There're a lot of details on the house that don't show up without it.

And omg all the French knots! They were all supposed to be done with two strands. Which looks fine, except I'm pretty sure that the picture on the front of the kit was only done with one. I mean, my French knots are pretty tight, but the ones on the picture were even smaller. I did switch the seagull's eye from 2 strands down to 1 though, because it just looked derpy with a huge eye!

I have to figure out now what my next piece is going to be. I thought I might do the Mario map next, but I'm kind of wanting to do another smaller piece. I'm going to have to dig through my (extensive!) stash and see what piques my fancy!

Sunday 24 March 2019

Golden Retriever Puppies

Just haven't felt like taking pictures lately, but I have been stitching. This piece took almost exactly 4 weeks from start to finish.

And post:
It's not the most striking of differences on this one, but it obviously does add some dimension to it. Back to the lighthouse!