
Sunday, 6 August 2017

Hidden Harbor

Another section completed... I thought that there would be the tops of those purple mountains in this section: I think the small darker pink section right in the middle on the bottom is the very top of the right mountain, but I'll have to get farther into the bottom section here to confirm.

I would post more frequent WIP shots, but the problem is that these sections are made up of a lot of very light colours, and it's very hard to tell the difference between what's stitched and what's still empty cloth, so you can't really see anything in the WIP shots.

I also picked up a copy of The World of Cross Stitching magazine this week, and spent a couple hours working on this piece instead of Hidden Harbor. This is supposed to be inserted in a cut-out greeting card, but I haven't made the effort to assemble the card yet.

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