
Sunday, 23 December 2018

Herb Wreath

One week's worth of stitching down and wow, I really need to zoom out more often because there's a lot more done there than I thought there was. Still going to take a bit to finish this one (it's almost 200 stitches tall and wide), but it might go faster than I'd originally estimated.

It's also been a while since I've stitched on 14ct, and my stitches feel HUGE. I'm trying my hardest to lay the stitches nicely, but there's always more whitespace than I like between the threads.

The pattern though. I think the printing is almost 20 years old. There are mistakes (you can tell because it both doesn't make sense and looks different from the picture on the cover), stitches under diagonal backstitches are hard to read a lot of the time, and THERE ARE NO GUIDELINES AT THE 10's!!! I ended up scanning it in and drawing guidelines on in paint in order to transcribe the pattern.

I think this kit's out of print unfortunately, because it's part of a set and I wouldn't have minded making the set (and I might have been able to request a more recent pattern print that was a little more readable).

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